Sow and Grow in January

January always seems to be a busy month of sowing on social media, but in truth, you don’t HAVE to start your seeds yet. The reason so many people do is simply because they can and can therefore steal a little bit of time back from Mother Nature.

A great example of this is peppers and chillies. Two warm crops that need long sunny seasons to produce at their best, with chillies, some varieties are notoriously difficult to germinate or can take weeks. So an early start gives you time for a second sowing should you need it. … More Sow and Grow in January

Sometimes you really need to step back and focus on the small details

I’ve always told you guys not to sweat the small stuff, instead think about the big picture. I stand by that 100%, because too often we get ourselves in a right palaver because we obsess over stuff that we don’t really benefit from, but, I’m gonna turn that on its head, a little. This week … More Sometimes you really need to step back and focus on the small details