Spring bulbs for amazing colour, get planting

Believe it or not, spring is just around the corner, and you know what that means – it’s time to get those bulbs in the ground for a vibrant and colourful garden. If you’re a new gardener, don’t fret; we’ve got your back! Let’s walk through the ins and outs of planting spring bulbs to ensure your garden dazzles in spring.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why spring bulbs are the bomb. Spring bulbs, like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses, are Mother Nature’s way of saying, “Winter is over, and it’s time to party!” These beauties burst forth with a riot of colour, bringing life and joy to your garden after a long, gloomy winter.

When’s the Right Time?

Timing is everything in the world of gardening, and planting spring bulbs is no exception. In the UK, the ideal time to plant these gems is in the fall, between September and November. Why, you ask? Well, during this period, the soil is still relatively warm (at least not frozen), but the air is cooling down – the perfect combo to help your bulbs establish roots without immediately forcing them into action. You don’t want those green shoots to appear too soon and risk damage from the winter frosts and freezes but you do want your bulbs to get a chance to put out roots and get established.

Where to Plant?

Now that you know when to plant, let’s chat about where. Spring bulbs aren’t too picky when it comes to soil type, but they do need good drainage to avoid rot. This can be a problem for us as our soil is clay, which generally means it’s wet. So try to find a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunlight in the spring but isn’t prone to waterlogging. If like us you have clay soil, you will want to add some grit to that planting hole to ensure good drainage away from your bulbs. Raised beds and containers or well-drained soil are your best buddies here.

How to Plant?

Alright, here comes the hands-in-the-dirt part. First things first, grab your favourite gardening tools – a trowel, a bulb planter (if you’re feeling fancy), and your chosen bulbs. The depth you should plant your bulbs varies, but a good rule of thumb is to plant them three times as deep as the bulb’s height. So, if your bulb is 2 inches tall, dig a hole 6 inches deep.

When it comes to spacing, follow the golden rule: “Treat your bulbs like you’d want to be treated.” Plant them about twice their width apart, and they’ll have room to stretch their roots and show off their colours best. Most bulbs have a pointy end and a flat end. Plant them with the pointy end up – that’s where the magic happens! If you’re not sure, don’t worry; Mother Nature usually lends a helping hand, and your bulbs will figure it out.

Weather Watch

Ah, the ever-changing weather – every gardener’s favourite topic! While spring bulbs are hardy, they can be a tad sensitive to unpredictable weather. Here are a few weather-related pointers:

Frosty Mornings

If you’ve planted your bulbs and you wake up to frosty mornings, don’t panic. Frost won’t harm the bulbs underground. However, if they’ve already started to poke their heads above ground, cover them with horticultural fleece or a layer of mulch to protect them from freezing.

Watering Woes

Make sure to keep your newly planted bulbs watered, especially if there’s been a dry spell but watch the weather. Bulbs don’t like to be sitting in wet, claggy soil. If it’s rainy, let nature do the watering.

Pesky Pests

Ah, pests – the eternal garden invaders. The good news is, spring bulbs are generally less appealing to critters than other plants, but there are still a few pests to watch out for:


Squirrels are notorious for digging up bulbs, mistaking them for a tasty snack. To deter these fluffy bandits, cover your planted area with chicken wire or invest in some squirrel-proof netting. It might look a little odd, but it beats losing your bulbs to a furry thief!

Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails can’t resist tender, young shoots so keep an eye out for any around your blulb area. Keep the ground clear of fallen leaves and other plant debris to deter them.

Patience, Please

Remember, gardening is a waiting game. Once you’ve planted your bulbs, it’s time to sit back, relax, and let nature do its thing. Bulbs need time to establish their roots over the fall and winter, and the reward comes in spring when your garden transforms into a floral wonderland. It’s all about timing, location, and a little bit of weather and pest management. Soon, your garden will be bursting with vibrant colours, and you’ll be the envy of the neighbourhood. So, grab those bulbs, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to enjoy the delightful riot of springtime blossoms in your very own garden.
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