Sometimes you really need to step back and focus on the small details

I’ve always told you guys not to sweat the small stuff, instead think about the big picture. I stand by that 100%, because too often we get ourselves in a right palaver because we obsess over stuff that we don’t really benefit from, but, I’m gonna turn that on its head, a little.

This week I’ve taken a challenge that’s been going on for a few years, that’s about the little stuff. But no palaver, promise.

So it’s called the single seed challenge and the point of it is to spent time focusing on your growing. Now, realistically when you have heaps of plants growing and lots of garden stuff, that’s an awful lot to focus on, so we’re narrowing that down, right down, to one single plant.

Now you see the point of the name right? Single seed challenge.

It’s a really simple idea, you basically pick one plant.. so that one seed, and then watch it grow. The idea being that narrowing it down to just one plant means you can truly take time to focus. It’s kind of a mindfulness thing for gardeners.

So how am I approaching this? Well for me, I’m going to use this as an excuse to learn more about root structure and how my plants grow. I’ve sown the seed into a clear pot and I get to watch as the seed germinates and builds it’s little root system. I’m actually quite excited by the idea.

I’ve chosen to do this with two very different plants, a flower and a pepper. I figure that gives me both sides of the gardening coin to have fun with but also two plants with very different growth habits. I think it’s going to be really interest to watch. And it’s going to be a nice change of pace.

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