We are Eli & Kate…

and this is a glimpse into our life and garden on the east coast of Scotland where we enjoy growing fruit, veg and flowers and cooking indoors and outdoors.

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What we do

We share our gardening journey with you guys in the form of vlogs (video diaries) and the occasional blog post as well as some of our favourite recipes. We currently have years and years worth of video content over on our YouTube channel, here are a few

In the garden

Find out more about our garden and all the fun we have there. We have guides on sowing seeds, garden design, greenhouse growing and more.


Let us show you how easy and cheap it can be to build your own versions of some fancy pants wooden planters for the garden.

Our favourite recipes

Once of the best things about growing lots of fruit and veg is that you get to cook with it. So here are some of our favourite recipes, with homegrown fruit and veg or generally just our favourites.